Family Therapy

When the family system is struggling to communicate kindly and clearly and the foundational values begin to be challenged within the relationship dynamics there are typically unknown legacy burdens impacting the function of the members within the System.  Ruptures are a natural part of relationships and necessary for growth but more importantly are the repairs that are necessary to maintain mutual respect and lasting love and connection.  Learning about intergenerational and interpersonal traits/personalities/characteristics can help others understand each member of the family as an individual; thereby preventing type casts and roles that can cause rigidity and prevent authenticity.  

At Y.O.U.R. Therapy Clinic, our focus is to gather everyone’s perspective of what they think the core issues are and collaboratively come to a middle path through validating the emotions without always agreeing with the behaviours.  Sometimes this will require understanding the neuro-biology and developmental stages of the human to release the judgment that is preventing connection and acceptance.  The aim is to bring forward authenticity of the individual and strengthen the attachment within the family system.